Key steps and references to help prepare for self publishing on Amazon Kindle and CreateSpace Print On Demand (POD)
I recently helped Nicola published her novel The Belvedere Club on both Amazon Kindle and CreateSpace Paperback POD.
Publishing on these two medium is not hard. If you are not the preparing type, you can just jump into each of the publishing steps on the respective sites below, and figure it out as you go. The process does not have to be done all in one go. You can stop at any step, figure things out and get back to it when you’re ready.
If you are the preparing type and want to go through the process smoothly, there are many online resources to help you prepare for it. However, after having gone through that process, the information out there is all over the place. If I had had a simple logical outline, of all the things that needed to be done and prepared before going through the process, it would have made our life easier and saved us a lot of back and forth.
This is an attempt at providing such an outline 
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